Log Corral : CP-RLC


The Log Corral is a series of differently sizes upright timbers placed into the ground in a circular formation. It can be used for climbing on or as an outdoor space for social interaction, teaching, imaginary play or quiet reflection.

This product is perfect for rural and woodland settings and can be used by children and young adults of all ages.

Sizes vary.

From £3100.00

We have a thorough understanding of the procedures required to install play equipment for this sector and work alongside the various organisations to make it all happen smoothly.

We recognise the importance of encouraging physical activity in children of all ages at various points throughout the school day. This can be in addition to walking or cycling to and from school. Learning in, through and about physical activity is enhanced by providing in a wide range of items of outdoor play equipment which can be used for outdoor pursuits at break times, lunchtimes, and outwith the school day.

Established patterns of daily outdoor physical activity at an early age are likely to lead to an enthusiasm for sustained physical activity in adult life.


pressure treated wax impregnated European pine timbers concreted into the ground


length: 3m

width: 2.2m

the height will vary